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I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

“Is it necessary to always tell the truth when dealing with clients?” this is one of the most common questions we receive from those who take part in our courses. As the creators of the Sales Ethics method, our only answer should be “Of course!”. In fact it is not so easy to be always completely sincere with clients. Not so much because of the budget and sales targets we need to achieve; in fact sometimes expressing our personal opinion can prove useless, if not detrimental to our clients. Let’s see how and when this might happen, and analyse what serving the truth really means!

Business as (un)usual: facing the challenge of change

“Business as usual” is an American expression used to stress how in economics things are always expected to go on in spite of everything. Personally we have never agreed with this point of view: in business (as we intend it in Passodue) the concept of “usual” should not even exist, neither in good times nor during emergencies. In order to survive in modern markets, business models should adapt to the variation of situations and interlocutors. Therefore let’s try and seize this opportunity to make innovations and evolve: the only certainty in what we are experiencing is change.

(Professional) Holiday etiquette tips

The Christmas holidays are approaching quickly and many of us will spend them at home with their loved ones. Holidays are made not only for spending more time with our dear ones, but also for relaxing and restoring our energies, therefore it is very important to make the most of them. As always quality lies in the details and this is what we are going to discuss in the following paragraphs: we’ll try and analyse the little attentions that can turn Christmas into a real present both for ourselves and for those around us.

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