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We all make excuses. How do you manage them?

We’re talking about finding excuses, those tiny justifications that we tell ourselves and others to get out of a tight spot. At times they are crude, while others are more sophisticated, but one thing’s for sure: no one likes hearing them, and we always have one on hand in our toolbox, whether we like it or not. So, what’s the right attitude to have towards excuses? Let’s explore the topic together.

Four approaches to tackle 2024

Every January, social media, newspapers, blogs, and newsletters give advice on how to start the new year. We at Passodue also want to play a part in this tradition, and we will do so by outlining four approaches to tackle 2024, which, in our opinion, represent the main ways people behave in these cases.

Christmas 2023 Trends: Simplicity, Beauty, and Creativity

If you don’t feel particularly gifted with Simplicity, Beauty, or Creativity, this is the article for you. Together, we will try to discover and awaken them, getting back in touch with our essence, not only for ourselves, but also to share our gifts with others, which, after all, is what Christmas is all about!

How to handle an angry client

In the pages of our “diary”, we have often stressed how important it is to maintain a good relationship with clients over time. Here is some advice on how to handle an angry client.

Tips for travelling with awareness

This article is our chance to share what we have learnt by travelling with awareness so that you can find some useful tips to tackle the summer and your holidays with a new perspective.

Diversity as a value

One of the words that is trending in the corporate world is diversity. How can we then turn diversity into a value to be claimed and integrated into the workplace?

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