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Business in Love

Doing business using
the most powerful energy ever

From war to love

There are many ways of organizing a business. The best known draws inspiration from the military strategy: conquering the territory, identifying target-clients, defeating competitors/enemies, managing resources/people, developing a chain of command complete with ranks and orders.

Management and marketing processes owe a lot to the organization of the army and to its operating procedures.

There is no doubt that for a long time this approach has borne fruit, however in the post-crisis era things have changed.

Clients are seen as people again, and so are employees, suppliers, shareholders and all the other stakeholders or interest bearers.

If with all these actors we want to maintain a fruitful long-lasting relationship, that creates shared value over time, we need to build strong bonds founded on positive emotions and feelings.

We just have to look at all the advertisements to realize that more and more companies have understood the importance of triggering the spark of love to be successful on the markets.

Talking about the connection between love and economy or promoting its concept, how-ever, is not enough to consolidate it.
What we need is a radical change which can only be achieved through a new business model that we have examined and codified over the course of 2 years, calling it the Loving Business Model.

Loving Business Model. Designed by Alice Alessandri and Alberto Aleo.
Copyright Alice Alessandri and Alberto Aleo – Franco Angeli. All rights reserved.

The value oriented approach

According to the traditional economic theories there are two types of market approach: the product oriented one – which focuses on improving production processes and ensuring constant innovation paying attention to the  coherence of each activity – and the market oriented one. Companies that adopt this second approach are more compliant and alert to the market, less self-referential and more diligent in taking every opportunity to meet customer demands.

Our independent research, which involved hundreds of companies and thousands of market participants and covered 12 different sectors with the contribution of international researchers and experts, has revealed a new type of company: the value oriented one, which focuses on what it believes in and on its essence, and offers not only products and services but also, and above all, meanings.

While studying this kind of organization we developed the Loving Business Model, a business model that redesigns all the aspects of the life of a company: from brand strategies to the selection of target customers, from price positioning to the definition of the offer. A model that shapes all our consultancy and training activities.

Doing marketing according to this approach means starting from ourselves, then bringing out all we can offer in terms of products, services, communication and experience, and finally collecting results that go beyond the mere short-term turnover. An integral vision of economy, in accordance with the law of reciprocity that reads: first of all being, then giving, and finally receiving.

The Loving Business Model in action

Therefore what is the path we are following to help our clients move from the theory to the practice of an approach designed to bring love back to their companies?

During our consultation and training sessions we keep in mind these 9 steps:


From Branding to Character

We need to give character and credibility to our organization. For this reason it is important to develop a brand promise that is real, not generic, and that transparently explains what the client can expect, making the action in the market unique, unrepeatable and above all authentic.


From Objectives to Goals

Turnover is not everything and revenues are not only measured in figures. People need to give meaning to their lives also through their purchasing choices and their jobs. Therefore it is useful to define a mission and a vision that inspire clients, employees and suppliers to stay with us.


From Products/Services to the Offer System

Preparing an offer means specifying what we do, but also how and why. Very often what companies sell can’t be summarized in the list of products and services. We need to know how to express that invisible element which is becoming increasingly essential.


From Price to Value

The price can only partly measure the value we actually put on the market. Very often the companies themselves don’t fully understand the difference between these two words. Understanding and explaining the full value of the offer is the secret to a correct positioning strategy.


From Targets to People

Traditional customer profiling, based on quantitative data, aren’t always sufficient to describe purchasing behaviours. Purchasers are people, and as such they choose according to their psychological, emotional and value-related needs: if misunderstood, they can turn them away from us. This also applies to more technical markets.


From Leadership to Service

The role of those who coordinate a structure is certainly connected to the achievement of satisfactory financial results. However we must keep in mind that these results depend also on the quality of relationships and on the ability to let our employees grow in their personal development. Leaders must never forget that their “power” and their responsibilities are uniquely at the service of evolution.


From Competition to Cooperation

Fair competition helps the markets improve the quality of what is being offered, allows clients to increase their ability to choose, helps companies avoid price reductions. Adopting specific strategies to differentiate the offer allows to widen the market, for the benefit of all.


From Stakeholders to Valuegivers

Business is a team sport that involves employees and suppliers. If well managed, each participant can increase the value of what we do. Many marketing plans fail because they don’t value the people who contribute to our success with the right opportunities.


From Sales to Relationships

Creating shared value means designing a purchase experience that is coherent, engaging, qualifying. Through a journey made of carefully designed stages, people and organizations exchange not only products and services but also meanings, therefore creating shared wellness.

Thanks to the application of these principles we help companies turn their businesses into love stories with a happy ending, to rediscover an old rule whose validity has been forgot-ten for too long:

“he who sows bountifully and gives constant attention will always reap the fruits of his labour”.

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