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The charm of ethics: from fashion to real change factor

For some time now, advertisements, company mission statements, and marketing and communication strategies in general are going through a process of “whitewashing” and are focusing on spreading an “ethical” message. Therefore, here is our opinion on the increasingly common trend of adding the word “ethical” to business.

I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

“Is it necessary to always tell the truth when dealing with clients?” this is one of the most common questions we receive from those who take part in our courses. As the creators of the Sales Ethics method, our only answer should be “Of course!”. In fact it is not so easy to be always completely sincere with clients. Not so much because of the budget and sales targets we need to achieve; in fact sometimes expressing our personal opinion can prove useless, if not detrimental to our clients. Let’s see how and when this might happen, and analyse what serving the truth really means!

“I sell”, a form of the verb “to listen”

A good salesperson is primarily an excellent listener, someone who knows how to stay quiet, leaving his customer the space to express his/her wishes and only speaking after fully comprehending the needs and desires of his interlocutor.

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