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The Seller’s Suitcase

Let's find out together what would be really useful to make the “value of the offer” reach the client in the clearest and most convincing way.

The Enneagram in Business

Differently from the past, nowadays we have the possibility of “wearing” a job that fits perfectly with our true nature. But how can I succeed in my job? I cannot answer this question unless I know myself better. In this article Luca Giorgetti explains how thanks to the enneagram

Structured brainstorming: making best use of collective intelligence

Men are social animals, which means that their survival and evolution are linked to their ability to connect with others, making the most of shared skills, creativity and ideas . However, putting heads together to create a powerful brain capable of producing shared value is not always easy: this is why it is advisable to resort to methods and tools that can help us. We will describe a few in this article.

Writing effective e-mails: the ten mistakes you need to avoid

We all receive and write a growing number of e-mails. This method of communication is really dominant at this point; our in-boxes overflow with messages of all sorts, some important, others eliminated without even being opened. In this article we’re going to concentrate on the mistakes to avoid so as not to end up directly in the trash.

A compass for 2021

The text of this article is taken from the best wishes message included in our now classic notebooks that once again this year we have proposed at Christmas time and has been enriched with boxes providing additional information on each key word, which can help you adopt a new approach for 2021.

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