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Discover your core values and your value.

One of these is our Christmas tradition of sending a notebook (or diary, if you prefer) to those who have taken part in a Passodue training program. This notebook is designed to help you face the new year with a constructive mindset. The 2024/25 edition is dedicated to discovering your core values and understanding your own value. In the following article, we wanted to include further reflections on this topic, sharing our insights and advice with those who haven’t received the notebook. Values have the magical power to guide us toward choices in line with our true essence, directing us during hard times and through the various challenges we all end up facing.

Passodue’s Gift Guide

What you’re about to read is a list of possible gifts that our team wanted to share with you! Here they are, listed in no particular order.

How to design your field sales.

A good salesperson should be out in the field, visiting clients, knocking on new doors-in short, pounding the pavement. But who should they call upon, and how often? How can they avoid wasting time or making fruitless visits? Here are some useful tips for planning an effective field sales tour that will help you optimize your schedule and achieve results.

We all make excuses. How do you manage them?

We’re talking about finding excuses, those tiny justifications that we tell ourselves and others to get out of a tight spot. At times they are crude, while others are more sophisticated, but one thing’s for sure: no one likes hearing them, and we always have one on hand in our toolbox, whether we like it or not. So, what’s the right attitude to have towards excuses? Let’s explore the topic together.

Diversity as a value

One of the words that is trending in the corporate world is diversity. How can we then turn diversity into a value to be claimed and integrated into the workplace?

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