Every January, social media, newspapers, blogs, and newsletters give advice on how to start the new year. We at Passodue also want to play a part in this tradition, and we will do so by outlining four approaches to tackle 2024, which, in our opinion, represent the main ways people behave in these cases.
Strategy and tactics are not two opposing concepts, they must complement each other and be used with discernment, being careful to choose when to rely on one or the other to achieve maximum benefit. In the next few lines we will discover how to make them work in sinergy.
What does being free within ourselves really mean and how can we reach this state? Is there a way to achieve freedom? We think there is, and we are going to explain it in 3 steps.
In a conversation, are we sure that we can 'delegate' the success of the information exchange to the person on the other side of the conversation? Let us try to think together about the issue of responsibility in communication.
The text of this article is taken from the best wishes message included in our now classic notebooks that once again this year we have proposed at Christmas time and has been enriched with boxes providing additional information on each key word, which can help you adopt a new approach for 2021.
Companies, as evolving ecosystems, need changes and modifications in order to improve. Here are some considerations about how leaders deal with internal tensions.
Why dedicate an article to words? Because they have a very important specific weight. This becomes even more true when the objective of our communication is sales and it is necessary to convey trust, security and enthusiasm to our potential customer.
In both cases ethical leaders have to be equally available, understanding and sensitive to their employees' needs in order to guarantee their development: in one word they have to be flexible