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Multi-stakeholder negotiation: when the salesperson has to multitask

When a bride-to-be goes through the “ritual” of choosing her wedding dress, her mother, mother-in-law, the bride’s best friend, the father (who is usually expected to pay for the dress) and other guests such as her grandmother, a wise aunt and so on are usually all present. How will our salesperson have to behave to convince the entire “purchasing team”?

How does our choosing process work?

It is essential to provide tools that help consumers and companies discuss the real needs involved, in the interest of both parties. Indeed, there is nothing better than a satisfied customer and a company that has been able to understand him/her thoroughly and to accurately intercept his/her requests. Therefore, follow us in the analysis of the choosing process.

Promotions: what they are, what they are used for and when to launch them

January and July are usually the best months for promotions. However in this "strange" market period it is not uncommon to see “sale” signs in the shop windows, or to come across discount offers, 3×2 deals or similar reductions – which are all aimed at supporting demand and restarting the markets. This is why I’ve decided to propose an article on this matter, in order to explain why, when and how to use promotions.

I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

“Is it necessary to always tell the truth when dealing with clients?” this is one of the most common questions we receive from those who take part in our courses. As the creators of the Sales Ethics method, our only answer should be “Of course!”. In fact it is not so easy to be always completely sincere with clients. Not so much because of the budget and sales targets we need to achieve; in fact sometimes expressing our personal opinion can prove useless, if not detrimental to our clients. Let’s see how and when this might happen, and analyse what serving the truth really means!

Naming your price: how to determine the economic value of your work

One of the questions that our clients, especially young freelancers, ask us most often is how they should calculate the price of the service or product they offer. Knowing how to determine the price is the first crucial step to recognising your market value. Many freelance professionals and salespeople are not very good at presenting and defending their price because they are not fully aware of how to put together a quote or estimate.

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