by Alberto Aleo
Little is said about what happens when, despite all our efforts, our negotiating skills and the implementation of the perfect strategy, we still fail to make a sale.
Firstly, it should be clear that in every purchase the importance of the salesperson’s role is fundamental, but part of the process rightly depends on our customers choice to buy!
So don’t worry, you do not need to change jobs if you sometimes fail to make a sale.
Here are some tips to make the most of the positive outcomes, even when you have apparently “failed”:
- Let’s analyze why we are in a “ fail to make a sale ” situation, i.e. let’s see whether it depended on a mistake in our negotiating (we were unconvincing, we failed to develop the relationship with our customer …) or dependent on external circumstances, such as the customer’s limited budget or need to consult before making a decision.
- If the problem of “ fail to make a sale ” is external, we should create a strategy that will enable us to stay in touch with the customer (to propose our offer again when it is economically feasible for the customer, for example), or to meet the other actors involved in the decision-making. In this regard, take another look at the advanced levels of the Circle of Trust.
- If we discovered that our negotiating technique is the cause of the “ fail to make a sale ” event, we should learn from our mistakes (take a look at the side box to receive help in your analysis) so we do not repeat them in other situations or if we decide to attempt a new proposal with the same customer, so we may act more effectively while taking care to assess adequately when and how to do so. If you are thinking of contacting a customer a second time by phone, why not check out this article?
The sale is the final stage of a relationship process with the customer whose aim is to generate value, not only in terms of economic profit but also in terms of knowledge.
Given the anxiety of an experience that we perceive as a failure when we fail to make the sale, we salespeople often forget to organize the valuable information that such a failure can bring. Furthermore, we tend to forget completely that the relationship with the customer and the completion of the sale can exist separately.
“Even if you bought nothing from me today, that does not mean you cease to be my customer.”
As a good salesperson, I must not make the mistake of interpreting a single moment as being the whole story; there will most likely be new and positive implications. Whatever the reason why you were facing a “ fail to make a sale ” situation, remember that your relationship with the customer is precious and try not to show disappointment or disapproval of those who have decided not to choose your offer today. Quoting from our book on Sale Ethics, remember that the salesperson’s “nobility”, namely knowing how to behave as a professional, is apparent also when our customers say NO. Remember to thank them in any case for the exchange you have had, and always hold out your hand.
| partem claram semper aspice |
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Passodue research on issues related to sales, marketing, ethics and the centrality of human beings within the market logic, officially started in 2012. The results derived from our work are described in the publications and in the books you can find in this section.

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