by Alberto Aleo
A few years ago, a book called “The Secret” came out that talked about the law of attraction, namely a natural law determining the order of the universe that, in a nutshell, means that our wishes come true. In fact, this was no ‘secret’ given that it had been explored in another book published some years before the bestseller mentioned above. This forerunner was the Gospel of Matthew that contained a phrase pronounced by Jesus: ‘Ask and you shall receive.’ But does the Universe really work like this? And if it were true, could we build a marketing strategy on this basis? Let’s consider the answer to these questions together.
“Similars attract”: in search of the ideal client
The most convincing test of the law of attraction when applied to marketing would be to imagine our ideal customer and then see such a person enter our firm or receive a call from them just shortly after. The fact that this does not happen so quickly may mean that the law of attraction does not work; or perhaps it tells us something else? In our experience few managers, salespeople or professionals can describe exactly their ideal customer, and even if they could, they would spend much of their creative energy dealing with those they consider bad customers. In practice, we spend more time describing what we don’t like about our sales relations, and such a focus actually means that we end up attracting the worst, or, even more seriously, it makes us so negatively biased that when we come across ideal customers we fail to recognize them.
Reality transformers
Reality is transformed according to the way in which we observe it. Quantum physics tells us so, not Passodue. If you’re looking for proof, just think of a car that you like, then go out on the street and you’ll notice that “magically” there are many more cars of that model than before. What happened? In fact, your perception filter is now calibrated to receive the image of a car that until recently it discarded because it was considered irrelevant. This filtering mechanism works instinctively and takes “orders” from our subconscious, a part of us that does not appreciate change. Thus, if your subconscious has decided that your customers are all bad, without of any awareness on your part, it will filter all the information on the good customers and eliminate it in order to avoid a change in opinion. So you will be unhappy with your sales, but at least you will not have to question any firmly held convictions!
The courage to choose
One of the mechanisms that prevents you clearly recognising an ideal customer is a subconscious fear of discarding all those who do not fit the bill. Like saying, ‘but if I were to sell only to customers who I like, I’d soon be out of business’. This non-choice is once again detrimental and prevents the law of attraction working properly. People on the market throw out a promise to their potential customers, a promise that must be detailed and plausible; two characteristics that make it credible. Such a promise will not please everyone and anyone, but will pre-select those customers who are really interested. Often companies fail to make clear promises because they are afraid of narrowing their market too much; by promising everything to everyone, they attract non-specific customers, who will not be able to understand and fully appreciate the sales offer made.
So I suggest you analyse your ideal customers by drawing up an identikit and comparing it with that of your existing customers. What differences do you find? Are you attracting the wrong type of customers? Which of the two types, ideal or current customers, is most closely linked to your actual behaviour? In fact, it is your actions and not your declared intentions, that trigger the law of attraction. For example, the statement, ‘I’d like to have friendly customers while all mine are actually unpleasant’, should be measured against your behaviour. If you expect all your customers to be irritating, you will be biased against everyone who crosses the threshold and your unfriendliness will attract unpleasant customers, or rather will make even potentially friendly ones obnoxious.
Treat each one as if they were your ideal client, don’t be afraid to recognise your desires, choose and use your optimism to open up your perception filter. I assure you that by doing so, the customer you’ve been waiting for will soon knock at your door.
| partem claram semper aspice |
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Passodue research on issues related to sales, marketing, ethics and the centrality of human beings within the market logic, officially started in 2012. The results derived from our work are described in the publications and in the books you can find in this section.

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