By the Passodue team
In this end-of-year article, we are pretending to be influencers, advising you on the fashions for the 2023 holidays. So, here are the three concept that you should “wear” during all those end-of-year aperitifs, Christmas get-togethers, and lavish dinners. Simplicity, Beauty, and Creativity, if they are stylishly displayed, will impress everyone in any occasion or context, be it with relatives, friends, or even strangers.
Why have we chosen these three trends? It’s partly because they are the ones we discovered this year while traveling and exploring, and partly because we believe that they are already present in each of us, maybe in their early stages, and that it’s beneficial to express them.
If you don’t feel particularly gifted with Simplicity, Beauty, or Creativity, this is the article for you. Together, we will try to discover and awaken them, getting back in touch with our essence, not only for ourselves, but also to share our gifts with others, which, after all, is what Christmas is all about!
Simplicity as a process
There is nothing simpler than being complicated, and, as a consequence, nothing is more complicated than practicing Simplicity. What is simple is also generous, open-minded, transversal, useful, and is absolutely never banal. The only ones who might disagree are those who mistake weight for value, superficial factual knowledge for culture, or quantity for quality. To make sure something is simple, you need to really know the mechanisms that govern it. You also need to be comfortable with a variety of points of view, think in a multifaceted manner while, at the same time, being down to earth and staying in the here and now. We are so used to not thinking in a simple way that we never pay real attention to all the things that have this quality, and we fail to notice it even if it might improve our life with its yielding nature. Can you make a list of 5 simple things that add quality to your life? A smile, a well-sharpened pencil, a neat stack of clothes that someone arranged for you, or the expert gestures of an old gardener are all things that could be included. After writing your chart of simple things, while going through them again, you might think that what you’ve written is banal. Do not give in to this temptation of your Ego, which sees everything as an opportunity to show off or compete. Simplicity doesn’t make the headline news, but it’s fundamental as it comes directly from our Soul.
Moralizing beauty
Philosophy claims that nothing that is truly beautiful can ever be truly evil. Ethics and esthetics are related to each other and the moralizing and educating effect of art has been a well-known fact for many centuries. There are many false myths about beauty, such as the fact that it’s an innate gift, recognized by everyone, or that it can wither with the passing of time. In reality, there are many other ways to define it.
However, true beauty is not one-dimensional and is not appearance or an outer layer, but it instead comes from within, from a place close to the Soul of the bearer.
Its alleged fleeting and temporary nature is, in our opinion, more related to balance than to appearance. Balance, and the harmonious Beauty that comes from it, is doubtlessly an unstable condition that can suddenly change and, as a consequence, needs to be constantly pursued. We are all born in a context and within specific conditions, which, in some cases, can even be hostile. Therefore, our life is a constant pursuit of balance, and, therefore, of Beauty.
When we achieve balance, not only we shine outwards, but also inwards, going from Beauty to Happiness.
Are we actively pursuing harmony in our hectic days? Are we promoting Beauty? To what extent? To answer these questions, try to reflect on your reactions to external impulses, on the strategies that you make use of, and on the results you achieve both on yourself and on others. Beauty leaves a sense of fulfillment in its wake.
A workout for Creativity
Light might be the best metaphor to describe our concept of Creativity. Being creative is an exercise towards enlightenment, and it’s related to our ability to see and to do things that would have instead stayed in the shadows. To spark your creativity, you need to discover the flame that drives your passion and your courage. Creativity and courage are strictly related: the former lies dormant without the latter, and the latter cannot produce any result without the former. Together, instead, they lead to change, innovation, and evolution.
How often have we kept silent even though we had a great idea and were seduced by the apparent ease of leaving everything as is? The list of our creative moments cannot be reduced to a painting made in our free time or a model of a galleon that we are building in the garage. To really be creative, we need to express ourselves, present our opinions to others, and take responsibility.
Creativity isn’t an end to itself and isn’t ambitious or hungry for success. Instead, it shines a light on what we believe in and on our values, and like headlights at night, it shows the way to those who want to follow it.

We would like to leave you with an image that combines Simplicity, Beauty, and Creativity: a mother speaking to her child through gestures and simple language. The beauty of motherhood goes hand in hand with a powerful image of life that is taking shape, through creation. It’s no coincidence that we thought of the archetype of the mother to represent Simplicity, Beauty, and Creativity as they are all typically feminine features, and as such, need to be treated with care and respect. Happy Holidays.
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Passodue research on issues related to sales, marketing, ethics and the centrality of human beings within the market logic, officially started in 2012. The results derived from our work are described in the publications and in the books you can find in this section.

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