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We all make excuses. How do you manage them?

We’re talking about finding excuses, those tiny justifications that we tell ourselves and others to get out of a tight spot. At times they are crude, while others are more sophisticated, but one thing’s for sure: no one likes hearing them, and we always have one on hand in our toolbox, whether we like it or not. So, what’s the right attitude to have towards excuses? Let’s explore the topic together.

The Enneagram in Business

Differently from the past, nowadays we have the possibility of “wearing” a job that fits perfectly with our true nature. But how can I succeed in my job? I cannot answer this question unless I know myself better. In this article Luca Giorgetti explains how thanks to the enneagram

Empathy: what it is and how to develop it

In the world of business we are increasingly hearing about empathy: communicating empathically, making products and services empathic, being empathic with customers and so on. But what does  empathy really mean, and how can we develop it in a professional context?

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