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“I sell”, a form of the verb “to listen”

A good salesperson is primarily an excellent listener, someone who knows how to stay quiet, leaving his customer the space to express his/her wishes and only speaking after fully comprehending the needs and desires of his interlocutor.

Business re-evolution: interview with Niccolò Branca

by Alice Alessandri and Alberto Aleo Fernet-Branca is a household name in Italy, and widely appreciated abroad, but maybe not everyone knows that the Fratelli Branca Distillerie is one of Italy’s oldest family businesses. Present on the market since 1845, with…

Time to consider externalities and ethics

by Alice Alessandri e Alberto Aleo We have been hearing about the crisis for so long that many of us just take it for granted. It has become a background noise to our lives and career choices, to the extent that…

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