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Alice Alessandri Alberto Aleo

Working in a team

Team spirit and teamwork dynamics are at the base of any modern company’s success. Through this course you will learn how to best manage all the aspects related to interpersonal skills within a team, taking into account the specific abilities of each member, and acquire the necessary skills to work efficiently with your colleagues towards shared goals.

Target audience

  • Company and organization employees who need to develop a more efficient, constructive and propositional dialogue with colleagues and managers.


  • Single-company (dedicated to individual companies)
  • Inter-company (open to multiple companies and individuals)

Modes of delivery

  • In-class meetings
  • Online lessons
  • Blended learning (online training and assessment meetings)

Course contents 

Comprehensive Compact Reduced
DURATION in hours24168
Teamwork dynamics within modern companies
At the root of team spirit and of cooperation
Effective communication within groups
The different souls of a team: the study of personalities
Stimulating dialogue and constructive exchange: asking and listening
Remote collaboration through digital channels
Setting team goals
Dealing with difficulties and misunderstandings
Finding shared solutions through structured brainstorming

Course structure
The course can be structured in either 8-hour full days or 4-hour half days. The interval between lessons goes from a minimum of 7 to a maximum of 30 days, according to specific needs. Between one meeting and the next, participants will be assigned tasks and exercises in order to experience what they have learnt and to engage with the teachers during assessment. The basic principle underlying Passodue training courses is that of training to actionthe exercises and case studies discussed in the classroom will be taken from participants’ real lives so that, in addition to their training, they can obtain advice immediately applicable to their roles.

Number of participants

  • Max 20 (inter-company)
  • Max 15 (single company)
  • Max 10 (web)

Expected results
Companies are communities characterized by shared values and objectives: these have to be codified and understood in order to be accepted by every member and to properly fulfil their role of motivating and encouraging action. The aim of this course is to explore teamwork dynamics examining every single aspect, from relationship management in all its forms to goal setting, and analyzing how things change with remote collaboration (comprehensive course). The compact version offers a shorter course which is useful to re-think procedures and attitudes towards colleagues, for the sake of efficiency and exchange. The reduced course presents the basic concepts and suggests a more modern and productive approach to business life.

Team of trainers
All Passodue trainers have years of corporate experience as consultants, managers or entrepreneurs. The techniques explained are the result of constant research and innovation. The consultants active in this field are Alice Alessandri, Serena Calderoni,Natale Brescianini and Luca Giorgetti.

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how to best manage all the aspects related to interpersonal skills within a team.

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