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in Italy and the United States


Engaging the Heart in Business

Engaging the Heart in Business

In the wake of the profound upheavals that our society has been facing, the business world is undergoing change. Values ​​such as trust, well-being, sustainability, and respect for human beings and their deeper ambitions are becoming increasingly important. Corporations and professionals can achieve and maintain success only if they can bring their relationship with their customers to a new, higher level. The condition that links the two is very similar to that created when we fall in love. The organizational models and marketing approaches based on the metaphor of war, and the inherent rhetoric of “command and control”, are no longer valid; to form such a bond we need love.

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Sales Ethics

Sales Ethics

Do ethics pay? In an attempt to answer this question, the authors analyze the economic theories that might rehabilitate ethics in the world of sales and turn them into an effective tool for conducting negotiations. This book proposes a “bottom-up” approach that starts from an analysis of sales activities to build a business style that, if adopted by an entire organization, can make the difference thus enhancing the company’s success.

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Building Value Through Sales Ethics

Building Value through Sales Ethics

Cos’è La Business Ethics E Come Può Aiutare La Tua Azienda

Cos’è la business ethics e come può aiutare la tua azienda

Non Bastavano I Buoni Pasto? Il Welfare Nelle PMI: Come E Perché Prendersi Cura Delle Proprie

Non bastavano i buoni pasto? Il welfare nelle PMI: come e perché prendersi cura delle proprie

“Aziende affettuose”: il linguaggio del marketing cambia pelle

“Aziende affettuose”: il linguaggio del marketing cambia pelle

Sentimental Marketing

Sentimental Marketing

Fostering An Ethical Culture On Your Sales Team

Fostering an Ethical Culture on Your Sales Team

June 20, 2019
by Kristen Bell DeTienne, Bradley R. Agle, Carrolyn McMurdie Sands, Alice Alessandri, and Alberto Aleo

Summary. Sales scandals can take a large toll.  Companies must take steps to  protect themselves from the risk of sales fraud: and our research with over 1,000 sales professionals in 50 companies has uncovered some best practices that we think should proliferate across salesforces of all sizes and in all industries.

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Amore A Prima Visita. Home Staging E Valorizzazione Immobiliare.

Amore a prima visita. Home staging e valorizzazione immobiliare.

Il cliente mi valuta solo sul prezzo

Il cliente mi valuta solo sul prezzo

Ci vuole tempo

Ci vuole tempo

Ehm... si dunque il prezzo

Ehm... si dunque il prezzo

Quando mia nonna mi disse: ma fai il commesso viaggiatore

Quando mia nonna mi disse: ma fai il commesso viaggiatore

Talk about us

Corriere Romagna
22 February 2022

Resto del Carlino
22 febbraio 2022

La vendita etica

La vendita etica

Quando sostenibile fa rima con possibile

Quando sostenibile fa rima con possibile

Perché anche il business deve seguire le ragioni del cuore

Perché anche il business deve seguire le ragioni del cuore

by Severino Salvemini

Finanza Etica

Finanza Etica

Corriere Romagna
September 20, 2019

Il Resto del Carlino
September 20, 2019

Corriere Romagna
November 14, 2018

Il Resto del Carlino
June 20, 2018

Corriere Romagna
June 29, 2018

La vendita etica, perché fa bene al business

La vendita etica, perché fa bene al business

by Marilena Del Fatti

Etica e Business. Con amore

N° 2 April/May 2017

A Qualcuno Piace In Coppia (il Business)

A qualcuno piace in coppia (il business)

Corriere Cesenate
September 10, 2015

Il Resto del Carlino Cesena
June 5, 2015

Corriere Imprese
June 2015

La Vendita Etica: intervista ad Alberto Aleo e Alice Alessandri

N° 4 April, 2015

Il Resto del Carlino Cesena
March 6, 2012

La Voce di Romagna
November 8, 2011

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